Articles & Resources

Please peruse at your leisure, feel free to use our free resources and articles. We are continually adding helpful guides and informational articles here


SEO Tips

Always remember to E-E-A-T your blog posts!

Write content showing your business’s Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This framework, recommended by Google, assesses content quality and credibility. Here is the principle explained: Experience (E): Assess the extent of the content...

Want to keep visitors on your site longer?

Want to keep visitors on your site longer? Engage them with high-quality content, internal links and hassle-free navigation. You could try: Using bulleted lists and subheadings for readability. Providing valuable content that prevents users from hitting the “back”...

Do you have Zombie pages?

Do you have Zombie pages? pages that brings little to no traffic? These lifeless pages should be removed, and the focus should be on quality content that does attract visitors. Speak to one of the team at Creative Dimensions today to locate these pages by analysing...

Have you added alternative text?

Have you added Alt text (alternative text) to your images? You should, descriptive text added to your websites’ images are made to not only help Search engines learn about the types of images you upload but to help screen readers read what is on the webpage for the...

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